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State of the Art Progressive Homeschool Support

A confident child makes a successful student.

State of the Art Progressive Homeschool Support is built upon love.

Our philosophy of education is dependent upon instructing with genuine care for students, building and maintaining productive relationships with families, stimulating growth in social, emotional and academic skill sets in a safe environment, and learned teaching teams.  This will foster student comfort, a platform for true student exploration.

Through building and maintaining productive relationships with families, parents will become a part of the learning experience. Family involvement is an integral aspect of a student's educational success. As families participate, they will share their cultures and assist their child, as well as others, enriching the learning experience.

Creating an inviting, safe, organized, flexible learning environment which caters to the needs of each individual student, combined with the modeling of positive behaviors, will stimulate growth in social, emotional and academic skill sets. When students feel safe, they will take academic risks. By creating a child-centered atmosphere, students will freely explore while participating in meaningful learning experiences.

Teachers will act as guides, to facilitate the social, emotional, physical and cognitive development of students as they are shaping students to take on various responsibilities in the future. This environment will encourage the message that “we are all learners”.

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Children coloring

Our Mission

State of the Art Progressive Homeschool Support's mission is to add fuel to each child's individual fire, so they might begin to tap into their full potential and make meaningful and impactful contributions to society. With access to the right resources in a nurturing learning environment, children will become empowered by their own abilities and gain confidence, ultimately, discovering and committing to their love of learning, understanding that it is an ongoing aspect of their human experience.

Our Core Values

There are three principles we are committed to living every day at State of the Art Progressive:

Respect for All: Through celebrating the diversity of humanity, we demonstrate the appreciation of each individual’s unique gifts.

Lifelong Learning: We pursue learning and Intellectual growth at all stages of life.

Responsibility in the World: We recognize how we treat ourselves and others affects our families, our neighbors, our environment and impacts the world around us.

Kids Playing Tug of War
SoTA Progressive Homeschool Support: Programs
Girl Raising Hand

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